The World Title will be determined in a ladder match involving five FFP superstars. Simple enough right? The kicker is, anyone is eligible. All you have to do is be one of the first five superstars to reach five consecutive wins. Once you accomplish that, you've won yourself a spot in the match.
The Diamond Title also has two steps to win it. We will begin with a 20 Diamond battle royal. At least 10 will be throwback Diamonds such as Synn, Kimmy Carmichael and Christi Carter. The final four will compete at a later date in an elimination four-Diamond match where the winner will be crowned the Diamond Champion.
Matt Kraven also announced that if any of the throwback Diamonds make it into the final four, they will be offered Lon term FFP contracts. So some of these ladies won't just be fighting for the Diamond Title, they'll be fighting for a roster spot.